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A new wave

Last Tuesday, I've got an sms notification from one of local organisation in Jogja. It is a religion organisation which want to establishing a new university in Jogja. The sms was told me that I had been accepted as one of their lecturer in the university.

As far, the university is still on permittion progress at Kemenristek-dikti Jakarta. The progress may will happen during several month, will be released at three month if fast, and may it takes eight months.

So, during at the time, I have time to finishing what I'd doing before. Some task still unfinished, and grade still so far from my reach. In the same month i've got an renewal progress in my study, it will cost me three semester more to finishing my final exam.

Untill the university established and I needed to work there regularly, i will stay in my workplace. Maybe this semester will be my last in the school, after working here for five years, or maybe i still can teaching here if there is any time can be spared.

And for the last wave, this month also the end of my partnership with one of the biggest Indonesian marketplace. This partnership will be over due to their new online marketing strategy, I'am so gladly for being work together with them, it was a wonderfull partnership, I learnt some usefull things with them. 

So, why we don't celebrate for the end of this February, the last day which we will only see it in fourth years again? And say welcome to a new month, new wave, and a new wish

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